If I must cancel after registering, then can I get a refund?

If you need to cancel or reschedule a course, please contact us as soon as possible. All fees are non-refundable and may be used only as credit toward another course based on the following calculation:

  1. If you provide notice of cancellation more than 14 calendar days before the course, you will receive a credit of 100% toward another course
  2. If you provide notice of cancellation less than 14 calendar days before the course, you will receive a credit of 50% cf paid fees toward another course
  3. If you provide notice of cancellation less than 48 hours before the course, you will receive a credit of 25% of paid fees toward another course
  4. We will issue a full refund if we cancel a course. If there are any problems, then we will contact you within 48 hours after your registration information has been received
Category: Payment Questions

This article originally posted on HealthcareLearningAlliance.com